The Seven Worlds


The Current 3 Worlds

There are hints that there will be seven worlds total in Robot Unicorn Attack 2. So far, 3 have been released; Sky World, Ice World, and Lava World. Sky World is the beginning world that every player starts out with. RUA2 is a free to play game, and this world is free. Ice World has to be unlocked by gaining levels and by spending Unicorn Tears, the collectible in-game currency that is found throughout every level. Ice World can therefore be unlocked without any real money spend whatsoever. Lava World, which was released in April, 2014, is the first world that requires an in-app purchase, and a fairly costly one too, at $4.99. However, for fans of the series, giving Adult Swim 5 bucks for their amazing free game doesn’t feel like a bad thing at all. Each of the world in RUA2 are unique, and have their own patterns and style, though each have the same enemies, collectibles, and land masses.


Sky World

Sky World

Sky World

This is the starting world. Modeled after the original Robot Unicorn Attack, it is a world of rainbows, sunshine, and harmony, with bright happy colors and warm, desert-like pink rock. The giants here are golems of the red rock with huge white crystals jutting out of their backs. The fairies are pink, and glow with a warm brightness. In the background, you can see below a strange, alien landscape dotted with strange stony, egg-like formations and maze-like stones. The sky is a warm pink color, a kind of sunrise. The clouds are pale and fluffy above. If you survive long enough in your run, you will see huge battle whales drift by in the background, swimming through the sky, with huge horns on their heads. If you survive even longer, you will get to see a gigantic battle seahorse also bearing a horn, and carrying on its back a huge castle that it flies with easily. Surrounding it are many small baby seahorses that fly through the sky around it. Far in the distance you can occasionally see a distant floating castle unveiled through the clouds, with water pouring freely from the floating mountains in the sky.



Ice World

Ice World

Ice World

In many ways, the opposite of Sky World, this land is a frozen, barren place that is nevertheless full of brilliance and beauty. Everything is covered in snow and ice, the ground a gigantic frozen tundra. Unlike Sky World, Ice World is in a perpetual night, and the stars shine brightly. In the sky above glows a sinister, cracked, lava-ridden planet, looming as though it is about to crash into the ice below. This may be an outside view of the nearby Lava World. In the background there is either two huge ice wolves howling together, or else a giant barn owl staring at the unicorn as you run. There are also the snowy versions of the battle whale and seahorse in this world that will drift by as a reward to you for surviving long enough.


Lava World

Lava World

Lava World

Whereas the first two worlds clearly seem to belong to Team Rainbow, Lava World is definitely a world controlled by Team Inferno. Fire rains down from the heavens and lava spews from every rock surface. Lightning

flashes through a sky full of war whales covered in spikes and skeletons of whales who died. The battle seahorses of this world are draconic creatures oozing molten rock, carrying cocoon-like boulders on their backs. Of all the worlds, this one has the most laser geysers in it, and all the Solar Beams of the Giants are bright red. The fairies also emit a bloody color in their light, and only the crystals containing star force, that most powerful and precious commodity in the Robot Unicorn universe, remains in its pure form.

11 thoughts on “The Seven Worlds

      this is the link to my post about my own current unicorn body and why I chose the parts. Specifically, I use this build:
      Body: Celestial Resonator
      Mane & Tail: Celestial Plume
      Wings: Void Wings
      Horn: Void Piercer
      Trail: Laser Drive

      I have gotten my highest score with this current build, and it is my personal favorite, as the fastest unicorn body and acceleration I could find, plus my own personal favorite horn and wings for dash time and flight style. So basically it is the Celestial unicorn and the Void unicorn mixed together. What do you use? You can post your build and reasons for others to see, I’m sure people would love to see other styles, because as far as I can tell there is no one “best build” or “right way”.

  1. When the Hell are they gonna add more customizing options ? I pretty much have everything I want and like so all that’s left is the fugly stuff that annoys me to even look at. Come on !!

  2. Ooh! I just can’t wait until they come out with more worlds… maybe there will be a water world your unicorn will swim through… that would be interesting… or a rainbow world to rival the lava world Team Inferno seems to own… I can’t wait! Hurry up, Adult Swim.

  3. I would love for there to be a vs against other people like seeing who can last the longest ….. I don’t know I just think they should male it thay way

    • That would be really cool, I wish they had kept developing it and added more competitive game modes. .I left and started playing a different tablet game, Vainglory. Highly recommend it to anyone, it has lots of great lore and game play! I will have to return to RUA2 because I miss playing it, its been a long time.

  4. Great article. Just played RUA2 again for first time in a long while. It’s a shame nothing has changed or updated with such a fantastic game. Btw it hints that there in fact nine worlds in the blurbs of info whilst playing the game ! Although I highly doubt we’ll see a fourth any time soon since its been left untouched for a year now.

    • Glad you liked it! I didn’t see enough stuff for the game out there, wrote this a while ago but I’m glad to see people actually found it useful 🙂 Also, thats awesome info about the nine worlds! Thanks for the heads up.

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